21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
June 19. - 22. 2008
The ISOT meeting (Thursday to Sunday) will cover all trauma related topics in English:
Sport and work related trauma
War injuries
Orbit and eyelids, lacrimal system,
Neuroophthalmology, Strabism
Anterior segment trauma
chemical inuries, corneal grafts, keratoprosthesis, traumatic cataract and special IOLs, iris reconstruction
post-traumatic glaucoma
Posterior segment trauma
Management techniques, timing of the surgery, intraocular foreign body), post traumatic endophthalmitis
Trauma in childhood
Postsurgical trauma
Iatrogenic trauma; trauma in the operated eye
Miscellanea: (Contact lens and trauma, excimer laser and trauma, medicolegal problems, rehabilitation, psycological aspects, endoscopic view, artificial vision, prosthesis and cosmetic issues)
An english session focussing on selected topics of the posterior segment trauma will be held together with the German Retina Society on Friday afternoon
On Saturday the German Retina Society will discuss non-trauma-related retinal topics in German (with english slides), parallel to the english-speaking ongoing ISOT meeting.
Program Overview
June 19, 2008, Thursday:
Wetlab A: Management of Ocular Trauma
Courses: Consulting the Trauma Patient
Afternoon (2.00 pm)
Paper- and Postersessions: Trauma
parallel Wetlab B: Management of Ocular Trauma
June 20, 2008, Friday
Paper- and Postersessions: Trauma
late morning: international soccer tournament (outdoor, artifical green), please register via
Joint session of ISOT and RG: selected topics of posterior segment trauma
parallel paper session of ISOT
June 21, 2008, Saturday
Papersessions of ISOT: Trauma anterior segment, pole to pole surgery, intraocular foreign bodies
parallel Papersessions of RG: non trauma related retinal topics (german with english slides)
Saturday evening: prize for the best films
June 22, 2008, Sunday morning
Minisymposium: Trauma controversies
1.00 pm: End of the Meeting
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Joint Meeting
German Retina Society &
International Society of Ocular Trauma,
June 19 - 22, 2008,
Würzburg, Germany
• New: Abstracts,
upcoming Meetings
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