21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium

June 19. - 22. 2008


Poster Program

Saturday, June 21, 2008

8:30-9:00 am, Postersesion,

all first authors of posters are requested to be by their posters in this time!

Postergröße:max. 150 cm hoch x max. 90 cm breit

Poster size:max. height by max width: 150 cm  x  90 cm

Poster 143
Mechanical Injuries of the eye

A. Potockova, P. Strmen, V. Krasnik (Bratislava/Slovakia)

Poster 144
First contact managment of ocular trauma patient

Rupesh V. Agrawal (Hyderabad/India)

Poster 145
Anti-VEGF treatment of post-traumatic choroidal neovascularisation (CNV)

Ernest Boiko, S. Sosnovsky., I. Smirnov., O. Filohina, E. Buzina, I. Getmanova (St. Petersburg/Russia)

Poster 146Bulbar rupture: “Close-as-you-go” technique…but when where and why to stop?

Matteo Forlini1, P. Rossini2, A. Aversano2, C. Fortini2 (1Modena/Italy, 2Ravenna/Italy)

Poster 147
Ocular blow-up in eye with perforating keratoplasty, post traumatic massive choroidal detachment, aphakia and aniridia

Matteo Forlini1, P. Rossini2, A. Aversano2, C. Fortini2 (1Modena/Italy, 2Ravenna/Italy)

Poster 148
Infectious endophthalmitis with retained intraocular foreign bodies in Taiwan

Kuan-Jen Chen, Y.S. Hwang, T. Lu Chen, C.-C. Lai, Y.-H. Kuo, A.-N. Chao, W.-C. Wu, Y.-P. Chen, N.-K. Wang (Taoyuan/Taiwan)

Poster 149
Endophthalmitis after superficial ocular trauma

Aliki Liaska, I. Touba, D. Bacola, K. Kapetis (Lamia/Greece)

Poster 150
Post - traumatic endophtalmitis

Eva Vlkova, H. Doskova, R. Girgle (Brno/Czech Republic)

Poster 151
Buckelchirurgie – Monozentrische, retrospektive Analyse

Dirk Sandner, E. Matthe, L.E. Pillunat (Dresden/Germany)

Poster 152
„Bonner record form”  - Documentation of all relevant parameters during Anti-VEGF- therapy

Carsten H. Meyer, F. G. Holz (Bonn/Germany)

Poster 153
Widersprüchliche Ergebnisse verschiedener Auswertungstechniken der Fluoreszein-Angiographie (FA) in der Verlaufsbeurteilung der Anti-VEGF-Therapie (VEGFTh) bei der altersbedingten Makula-Degeneration (AMD)

Narcisa Ianopol (Iasi/Romania)

Poster 154
Lacrimal surgery after eyelid injuries

Renata Ricarova, M. Jurcukova (Pilsen/Czech Republic)

Poster 155
Long-term Solar Radiation Damage to the Macula: A Risk Factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration

Ivna Plestina-Borjan, M. Klinger-Lasic, K. Karaman (Split/Croatia)

Poster 156
Application of nitric oxide in complex treatment of burn´s ischemia of conjuntiva (clinical research)

Pavel Makarov, O. Kvasha (Moscow/Russia)

Poster 157
Posterior capsule status and management in pediatric traumatic cataract surgery

Nadiya Bobrova, B.H. Cherif Amor, A.N. Demboveskaya, V.I. Shevchik (Odessa/Ukraine)

Poster 158
Application of The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (AGV) at posttraumatic glaucoma

Alexey N. Kulikov, E.V. Boiko (St. Petersburg/Russia)

Poster 159
The adherent vitreous – a cause for vitreoretinal diseases

Joerg Christian Schmidt, S. Mennel (Marburg/Germany)

Poster 160
Outcomes of high-density silicone oil (Densiron) application as a primary intraocular tamponade due to deadly weapon-related open globe injuries: 12-month follow up

Ali Hakan Durukan, C. Erdurman, Halili, T. Mumcuoglu, V. Hurmeric, G. Sobaci (Ankara/Turkey)

Poster 161
Closed-globe injuries resulting from explosive devices

F. Cuneyt Erdurman, A. H. Durukan, T. Mumcuoglu, V. Hurmeric, G. Gokce (Ankara/Turkey)

Poster 162
Outcomes of Nd: YAG Laser Treatment for Valsalva Retinopathy due to Intense Military Exercise

Tarkan Mumcuoglu, A. H. Durukan, F. C. Erdurman, V. Hurmeric (Ankara/Turkey)

Poster 163
Combined injuries of the Anterior and Posterior Segment of the Eye with intraocular Metallic Foreign Body

Hana. Doskova, E. Vlkova, R. Girgle (Brno/Czech Republic)

Poster 164
Combined use of vitrectomy and external electro magnet to remove ferrous intraocular foreign body

Giuseppe Giunchiglia, F. Bocchetta, M. Potenza, G. Russa, B. Scarpulla, F. La Barbera (Palermo/Italy)

Poster 165
Coexisted Retained Large Nail and Perforating Injury of the Eye in Two Cases

Kuan-Jen Chen (Taoyuan/Taiwan)

Poster 166
Avastin as therapeutic approach for a neovascularization derived   from the foveal arcade in proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Bernd Junker, Pielen A, Feltgen N, Hansen L (Freiburg/Germany)

Poster 167
Traumatic optic nerve avulsion in children

Veit Sturm (Zurich/Switzerland)

Bildquelle: www.maritim.de


Bildquelle: www.maritim.de


Joint Meeting

German Retina Society &

International Society of Ocular Trauma,

June 19 - 22, 2008,

Würzburg, Germany

  1.   New: Abstracts,
                upcoming Meetings

  2. Welcome

  3.   General Information

  4.   Travel

  5.   Program overview

  6.       Program download

  7.    Thursday (ISOT)

  8.     Friday (ISOT/RG)

  9.     Saturday (ISOT)

  10.     Saturday (RG)

  11.     Sunday (ISOT)

  12.     Poster program

  13.   Faculty 

  14. List of authors

  15.   Courses, Wetlabs

  16.   Congress fees

  17.   Social Events

  18.   Guidelines for authors

  19.   Registration and
       abstract submission

  20.   German Retina Society

  21.   World Eye Injury Register

  22.   International Society of
      Ocular Trauma