21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium

June 19. - 22. 2008


Würzburg, one of Germany‘s smallest big cities with 125.000 inhabitants and a university, that recently celebrated its 600ths anniversary, is situated in the center of Germany, surrounded by medieval little towns and wineries.

Congress venue:     Maritim Hotel**** and Congress Centrum  Würzburg

            Pleichertorstraße 5, 97070 Würzburg


            email: info.wur@maritim.de

Abstract submissions, deadline: April 9, 2008

Early registration, deadline: March 15, 2008 (reduced fee)

Languages:    English and German

            with english or bilingual presentations

Congress Organisation:

Congress-Organisation Gerling GmbH

Werftstraße 23, D - 40549 Düsseldorf

Phone: (+49) 211 59 22 44

Fax: (+49) 211 59 35 60

E-Mail: info@congresse.de

Internet: www.congresse.de

Local organizer: 

Priv. Doz. Dr. Wolfgang F. Schrader


Josef-Schneider-Straße 11, D - 97080 Würzburg

Phone: (+49) 931 - 201 20610

Fax: (+49) 931 - 201 20490

E-Mail: w.schrader@augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de 

Internet: www.augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de/retino/


General information

Bildquelle: www.maritim.de


Joint Meeting

German Retina Society &

International Society of Ocular Trauma,

June 19 - 22, 2008,

Würzburg, Germany

  1.   New: Abstracts,
                upcoming Meetings

  2. Welcome

  3.   General Information

  4.   Travel

  5.   Program overview

  6.       Program download

  7.    Thursday (ISOT)

  8.     Friday (ISOT/RG)

  9.     Saturday (ISOT)

  10.     Saturday (RG)

  11.     Sunday (ISOT)

  12.     Poster program

  13.   Faculty 

  14. List of authors

  15.   Courses, Wetlabs

  16.   Congress fees

  17.   Social Events

  18.   Guidelines for authors

  19.   Registration and
       abstract submission

  20.   German Retina Society

  21.   World Eye Injury Register

  22.   International Society of
      Ocular Trauma