21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
June 19. - 22. 2008
Würzburg, one of Germany‘s smallest big cities with 125.000 inhabitants and a university, that recently celebrated its 600ths anniversary, is situated in the center of Germany, surrounded by medieval little towns and wineries.
Congress venue: Maritim Hotel**** and Congress Centrum Würzburg
Pleichertorstraße 5, 97070 Würzburg
email: info.wur@maritim.de
Abstract submissions, deadline: April 9, 2008
Early registration, deadline: March 15, 2008 (reduced fee)
Languages: English and German
with english or bilingual presentations
Congress Organisation:
Congress-Organisation Gerling GmbH
Werftstraße 23, D - 40549 Düsseldorf
Phone: (+49) 211 59 22 44
Fax: (+49) 211 59 35 60
E-Mail: info@congresse.de
Internet: www.congresse.de
Local organizer:
Priv. Doz. Dr. Wolfgang F. Schrader
Josef-Schneider-Straße 11, D - 97080 Würzburg
Phone: (+49) 931 - 201 20610
Fax: (+49) 931 - 201 20490
E-Mail: w.schrader@augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Internet: www.augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de/retino/
General information
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Joint Meeting
German Retina Society &
International Society of Ocular Trauma,
June 19 - 22, 2008,
Würzburg, Germany
• New: Abstracts,
upcoming Meetings
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