21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
June 19. - 22. 2008
Program on Friday June 20
Presentation time:
Rapid Fire (oral 5) 5 min + 3 min discussion
Oral presentation (oral 7) 7 min + 3 min discussion
Video max 10 min incl discussion
3rd Session ISOT, 8:00-8:45h, Room Franconia,
Glimpse of Russia
Moderator:Ernest Boiko (St. Petersburg/Russia)
Rozna Gundorova (Moscow/Russia)
20 5min
The Effect of OECs Xenotransplantation on Post-trauma Reparation and Functional Activity of the Retina
Ekaterina Chentsova, I. Kuprashvili, M. Zueva, I. Tsapenko, I. Saburina (Moscow/Russia)
21 5min
Microsurgery of eye vessels
Rozna Gundurova, A. Galchin (Moscow/Russia)
22 5min
Surgical treatment of scleral ruptures with application of polyester
Rozna Gundurova, N. Tkhelidze (Moscow/Russia)
23 5min
Influence of qualified surgery exploration of subkonjunctival scleral ruptures to their outcome
Oganes Oganesyan, I. Filatova, N. Tkhelidze, A.H. Harb (Moscow/Russia)
24 7min
Indications for the encircling buckle (EB) procedure in severe open-globe eye injury (OGI)
Ernest Boiko, M. Shishkin, V. Dolgih (St. Petersburg/Russia)
4th Session ISOT; Fr 8:50-10:30h, Room Frankonia,
Posterior segment trauma
Moderator:José Dalma Weiszhauz (Mexico City/ Mexico)
Johann Roider (Kiel/Germany)
25 7min
Role of Endoscopy in ocular Trauma
Cesare Forlini1, A. Bratu2, M. Forlini1, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
26 5min
Intraocular suturing of the choroid in severe trauma
Johann Roider, J. Hillenkamp (Kiel/Germany)
27 7min
Pars Plana Vitrectomy: Outcomes at a National Reference Ocular Trauma Center
Andrés Díaz, S. García, H. Muñoz, J. Guajardo, R. Agurto, A. Lutz, J. Claramunt, C. Park, P. Castillo, R. Stevenson, J. Mayora, M. López, J. Sahr, M. Mota, F. Andrighetti (Santiago/Chile)
28 5min
Shifting of the PVR milieu after tamponade with heavy silicone oil
Anja Lux1, B. Kirchhof2, A.M. Joussen1 (1Düsseldorf/Germany, 2Köln/Germany)
29 7min
Management of traumatic retinal detachment associated with open globe Injuries
Gini Giampaolo (Prato/Italy)
30 7min
Subretinal PVR removal with subretinal heavy liquids
José Dalma Weiszhausz, A. Dalma Kende (Mexico City/Mexico)
31 7min
Posttraumatic hypotony - treatment concepts
Andreas W. A. Weinberger (Aachen/Germany)
32 7min
Mini-Invasive surgery: No limits. Gold standard in complex traumas
Cesare Forlini1, A. Bratu2, M. Forlini1, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
33 Vi
Salvagin the unsalvagable
Rupesh V. Agrawal (Hyderabad/India)
Soccer tournament 10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Boat Trip to Veitshöchheim 10:45 am – 2:30 pm
Sights in Wurzburg 10:45 am -12:15 pm
see social program
Lunch break 12:15 – 1:30 pm
5th Session: Common Session of ISOT and RG
Fr 13:30-15:05h, Room Frankonia
Part 1: Timing of post segm reconstruction
Moderator:Wolfgang F. Schrader (Würzburg/Germany)
Ferenc Kuhn (Birmingham/USA, Pecs/Hungary)
W. Schrader: opening remarks
KU Bartz-Schmidt: opening remarks
34 5min
Never give up
Zlatko Slezak (Varazdin/Croatia)
35 5min
Timing of vitrectomy for severe ocular trauma is crucial for the functional outcome, evidence from retrospective data
Dagmar Pröll, W.F. Schrader (Würzburg/Germany)
36 7minImportance of timing of vitrectomy for opening eye (globe) injury
– An analysis on correlation of proliferative vitroretinopathy (PVR) retinal detachment and timing of vitrectomy
M.A. Zhizhong (Beijing/Cina)
37 7min
The outcome of primary repair with early vitrectomy in posterior
segment ocular trauma
Jost Hillenkamp1, A. Nashed2, P. Saikia2, V.P. Gabel2, H. Helbig2 (1Kiel/Germany, 2Regensburg/Germany)
38 7min
About the Timing of Primary Surgery of the Open-Globe Injury Involving Posterior Segment
Michail Shishkin, V. Mironov (Moscow/Russia)
39a 4min
The timing of intervention in the management of the eye with open globe trauma
Ferenc Kuhn1,2, R. Morris1, L. Mann1, C. D. Witherspoon1 (1Birmingham/USA, 2Pecs/Hungary)
39b 4minProphylaxis of proliferative vitreoretinopathy by early vitrectomy in severe ocular trauma: preliminary results of a multicenter prospective study
Wolfgang F. Schrader1, D. Pröll1, L. Mann2, F. Kuhn2,3 (1Würzburg/Germany, 2Birmingham/USA, 3Pecs/Hungary)
40 7min
Cost calculations for treating penetrating eye injuries within the DRG C01Z at a university eye hospital between 2005 and 2007
Carsten Framme, D. Franz, S. Mrosek, H. Helbig, S.G. Sachs (Regensburg/Germany)
41 7min
Economics of funding a eye trauma center:
Mechanisms of public financing
Michael Grant (Baltimore/USA)
Coffee Break 15:05 – 15:35h
6th Session: Common Session of ISOT and RG
Fr 15:35-17:15h, Room Frankonia
Part 2: Complications of Ocular surgery, Terror related injuries
Moderator:Adiel Barak (Tel Aviv/Israel)
Norbert Bornfeld (Essen/Germany)
Deepak Kalra (Chandimandir/India)
42 5min
Inadvertent perforations in peribulbar injections
Tatjana Josifova1, W. F. Schrader2 (1Basel/Switzerland, 2Würzburg/Germany)
43 7min
Scleral perforation and postoperative hypotony as a possible complication of extraocular buckling surgery
Jörg C. Schmidt, S. Mennel (Marburg/Germany)
44 7min
23-g vitrectomy Iatrogenic complications
Claudio Panico, A. Grosso (Turin/Italy)
45 5min
Series of 12 cases of Empedobacter brevis endophthalmitis after cataract extraction
Peter Janknecht1,2, C.M. Schneider1, T. Ness1 (1Freiburg/Germany, 2Wangen/Germany)
46 5min
Globe Explosion caused by intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide – a case report
Arne Viestenz1, M. Küchle2, W. Behrens-Baumann1 (1Magdeburg/Germany, 2Erlangen/Germany)
47 5min
Traumatic Endophthalmitis Prevention Trial (TEPT)
Arne Viestenz1, W. F. Schrader2, W. Behrens-Baumann1 (1Magdeburg/Germany, 2Würzburg/Germany)
48 7min
Terror-related Open-Globe Injuries: Outcome assessment by the Ocular Trauma Classification System
Ismail Halili, G. Sobaci, H. Durukan, C. Erdurman, A. Bayer, F. M. Mutlu, U. Erdem, Y. Uysal, S. Karagul (Ankara/Turkey)
49 7min
Eye Injuries in Suicide Bomber Terrorist Attacks “ The Tel Aviv Medical Center Experience"
Adiel Barak (Tel Aviv/Israel)
50 7min
Ocular Blast Injuries in Terrorism
Deepak Kalra (Chandimandir/India)
51 7min
Traumatic stress response in severe ocular trauma sustained in modern unconventional wars
Deepak Kalra (Chandimandir/India)
51b 5min
War injuries of the eye, results of a ISAAF mission in Northern Afghanistan 2007/2008
Hermann Gümbel, P. Schwacha, D. Spannagel, H. Krueger, A. Fackeldey, S. Scholtz (Ulm/Germany)
17:40 h Walking or Bus transfer to the Residence
Evening program starts at 18:15 with a concert (see social program)
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Joint Meeting
German Retina Society &
International Society of Ocular Trauma,
June 19 - 22, 2008,
Würzburg, Germany
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