21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium

June 19. - 22. 2008


Program on Thursday June 19


Course: Counseling the trauma patient

Moderation: Ferenc Kuhn, M.D. PhD (Birmingham/USA)

Faculty:  Rupesh V. Agrawal (India), Cesare Forlini (Ravenna), Gianpaolo Gini (Firenze), Jose Dalma Weiszhaus (Mexico City) and Wolfgang Schrader (Würzburg)

Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008,  9:30 am

Wet-Lab A: 10:00 Uhr -14 Uhr

10.00 am to 11:00 am theory

11.00 am 2.00 pm (operative wet lab)

Faculty:  Frank Wilhelm (Schwerin), Cornelia Werschnik (Schwerin),  Tatjana Josifova (Basel), Siegfried Priglinger (Linz)

Price: registration until June 1, 2008: 100€,  after June 1, 2008: 130€

Wet-Lab B: 13:30 Uhr - 17:30h

1.30 pm 2.30 pm (theory)

2.30 pm 5.30 pm (operative wet lab)

Faculty:  Peter Szurman (Tübingen), Rainer Guthoff (Würzburg),  Arne Viestenz (Magdeburg)

Price: registration until June 1, 2008: 100€,  after June 1, 2008: 130€

The scientific program starts at 2.00 pm

Presentation time:

Rapid Fire (oral 5)                      5 min + 3 min discussion

Oral presentation (oral 7)           7 min + 3 min discussion

Video                                          max 10 min incl discussion

14:00 -14:30h, Room Frankonia, Opening

PD Dr. Wolfgang Schrader, local organizer

Prof. Robert Morris, president ISOT

Prof. Dr. K.U. BartzSchmidt, president RG

Dr Georg Rosenthal, Oberbürgermeister

Prof. Dr. Axel Haase, President University of Wurzburg

1st Session, ISOT, 14:40 -16:00h, Room Frankonia


Moderator:Robert E. Morris (Birmingham/USA)
Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt (Tübingen/Germany)

01        7min
A Generalized Classification of Ocular Trauma

Bhartendu Shukla (Gwalior/India)

02        7min
Trends of ocular injury in the South East of Ireland

Ayman Saeed, I. Khan, O. Dunne, J. Stack, S. Beatty (Waterford, Ireland)

03        7min
Changing demographics in ocular trauma:
Review of the past 30 years at the Wilmer Eye Institute

Michael Grant (Baltimore/USA)

04        7min
Prognostic factors for open globe injuries
– Analysis of 669 eyes - Five year study

Rupesh V. Agrawal1, L. V. Prasad2 (1Glasgow/UK, 2Hyderabad/India)

05        5min
Open globe injuries induced by glas bottles with carbonated drinks

Wolfgang F. Schrader, E. Gramer (Würzburg/Germany)

06        7min
Eye injury with sparkling wine cork (67 case series)

T. Krasnovid, Veronika Aslanova, N. Tychina (Odessa/Ukraine)

07        7min
Firework-related eye injury at New Year's eve
- an ophthalmology unit's experience

Anselm G. M. Jünemann, L. Heindl, R. Rejdak, F. Kruse (Erlangen/Germany)

08        5min
Ocular trauma in patients 65 years of age and over

Wolfgang F. Schrader (Würzburg/Germany)

09        7min
Ocular trauma in patients 60 years of age and over

Ferenc Kuhn1,2, R. Morris1, L. Mann1, R. Maisiak3 (1Birmingham/USA, 2Pecs/Hungary)

Coffee break 16 – 16:30

2nd Session, ISOT, Do 16:30-18:10 Room Frankonia,

Epidemiology, Diagnostics, Triage

Moderator:Tommaso Rossi (Rome/Italy)

Andries Stulting (Bloemfontein/South Africa)

10        7min
Ocular trauma sustained during sport activities

Ferenc Kuhn1, 2, R. Morris1, L. Mann1, C. D. Witherspoon1 (1Birmingham/USA, 2Pecs/Hungary)

11        7min
The effects of Bungee jumping on the eye

Andries Stulting (Bloemfontein/South Africa)

12        7min
Paintball Trauma: Empirical and Mathematical Models to Assess Blunt Periocular Injury Reveal Likely Mechanism for Optic Nerve Traction/Avulsion

William E. Sponsel, W. Gray, A. Bonivtch, D. Nicolella, J. Walker, F.  Scribbick (San Antonio/Texas, USA)

13        7min
Eye Injuries Caused by Hose Stream for Fire Fighting, Water Cannon of Police and Comparable Origin: Results of an International Survey

Udo Hennighausen1, G. Darkow2, D. Goldblum3, M.  Prost4, W. F. Schrader5 (1Heide/Germany, 2Magdeburg/Germany, 3Basel/Switzerland, 4Warsaw/Poland, 5Würzburg/Germany)

14        7min
Prevention of Eye Injuries Caused by Hose Stream for Fire Fighting, Water Cannon of Police and Comparable Origin

Gerrit Darkow1, D. Goldblum2, U. Hennighausen3, M.  Prost4, W. F. Schrader5 (1Magdeburg/Germany, 3Basel/Switzerland, 3Heide/Germany, 4Warsaw/Poland, 5Würzburg/Germany)

15        7min
Application of the RESCUE triaging system. Retrospective and prospective  analysis of triaging quality

Tommaso Rossi (Rome/Italy)

16        7min
Vision Survival After Open Globe Injury Predicted by Classification and Regression Tree Analysis

Michael Grant (Baltimore/USA)

17        7min
Significance of high resolution multislice orbital CT scans to detect penetrating eye injuries in heavy eye trauma cases

Carsten Framme, P. Hofstetter, S. Feuerbach, H. Helbig, A.G. Schreyer (Regensburg/Germany)

18        7min
Traumanetzwerk Nordbayern

Andreas Berglehner, R. Meffert (Würzburg/Germany)

19        10min
University Eye Hospital Würzburg, 150years

Franz Grehn (Würzburg/ Germany)

18:20 Walking to the Town Hall

18:45 Reception in the Town Hall by the Mayor Mrs Schäfer

19:30 Walking to the Restaurant Backöfele

20:00 Dinner in the Restaurant  Backöfele

22:00 Tour with the night watchman

Bildquelle: www.maritim.de


Bildquelle: www.maritim.de


Joint Meeting

German Retina Society &

International Society of Ocular Trauma,

June 19 - 22, 2008,

Würzburg, Germany

  1.   New: Abstracts,
                upcoming Meetings

  2. Welcome

  3.   General Information

  4.   Travel

  5.   Program overview

  6.       Program download

  7.    Thursday (ISOT)

  8.     Friday (ISOT/RG)

  9.     Saturday (ISOT)

  10.     Saturday (RG)

  11.     Sunday (ISOT)

  12.     Poster program

  13.   Faculty 

  14. List of authors

  15.   Courses, Wetlabs

  16.   Congress fees

  17.   Social Events

  18.   Guidelines for authors

  19.   Registration and
       abstract submission

  20.   German Retina Society

  21.   World Eye Injury Register

  22.   International Society of
      Ocular Trauma