21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium

June 19. - 22. 2008


Guidelines for Authors

Please note the following guidelines for typing your abstract

Deadline: 9th April 2008

A Information about contents and form of your abstract

Abstracts of Papers, Posters and Videos will be published online on the meetings homepage and on the homepage of  the German Retinal Society. All participants will receive a CD with the abstracts.
It is absolutely necessary that the abstract includes all requested information.

The following structure is recommended (Papers/Posters/Videos):

a) purpose
b) methods
c) results
d) conclusions

B General Information

  1. 1.Types of presentation are oral presentations and posters.
    Oral papers can be submitted as rapid fire presentations
    (5 min + 3 min discussion) or oral presentation (7 min + 3 min discussion). Videos will be shown within the oral sessions. They may not exceed 10 min incl. discussion. Please note, that the presentation times, as indicated in the downloadable Invitation, are no longer valid!
    The program committee reserves the right to categorize the accepted abstracts in accordance with the requirements and topics. By sending in their registration the authors agree to accept both forms of presentation.

  2. 2.The number of oral presentations and posters is limited.
    Please understand that the program committee may change oral presentations into posters to enable enough discussion for the oral papers.

  3. 3.Please let us know if the names of first author and presenter differ.

  4. 4.Only findings which have not been published before should be submitted.

  5. 5.The authors will receive the notification of acceptance and classification of their submission not later than beginning of May 2008.

  6. 6.Projection facilities: Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on CD-R, USB stick, DVD, video codec’s: Quicktime 7.2 ®, Windows Media Player 11.0 ®, DVD, laptop connection if necessary

The program committee points out that any abstract which does not follow these instructions must be rejected.

Abstract Submission of papers, posters, videos

C Submission of Videos

  1. 1.Submission of an abstract not later than 15th March 2008 is mandatory also for videos.

2. The video should be submitted in a digital format and send to

PD Dr  Wolfgang Schrader,
University of Wuerzburg, Dept. Of Ophthalmology,
Josef-Schneider-Str. 11,
D 97080 Wuerzburg,

Deadline for Videosubmission: April 1st, 2008

  1. 3.Please note that the videos will be shown within the oral sessions now. They may not exceed 10 min incl. discussion.

  2. 4.The best videos will receive a prize during the farewell dinner on Saturday evening (June 21. 2008). 

Joint Meeting

German Retina Society &

International Society of Ocular Trauma,

June 19 - 22, 2008,

Würzburg, Germany

  1.   New: Abstracts,
                upcoming Meetings

  2. Welcome

  3.   General Information

  4.   Travel

  5.   Program overview

  6.       Program download

  7.    Thursday (ISOT)

  8.     Friday (ISOT/RG)

  9.     Saturday (ISOT)

  10.     Saturday (RG)

  11.     Sunday (ISOT)

  12.     Poster program

  13.   Faculty 

  14. List of authors

  15.   Courses, Wetlabs

  16.   Congress fees

  17.   Social Events

  18.   Guidelines for authors

  19.   Registration and
       abstract submission

  20.   German Retina Society

  21.   World Eye Injury Register

  22.   International Society of
      Ocular Trauma