21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
21. RG-Meeting and 8. ISOT Symposium
June 19. - 22. 2008
Program on Saturday June 21 Part ISOT
Presentation time:
Rapid Fire (oral 5) 5 min + 3 min discussion
Oral presentation (oral 7) 7 min + 3 min discussion
Video max 10 min incl discussion
8:00 - 8:30h Postersession,
all authors of posters should be by their poster for questions and answers
7th Session ISOT, 8:30-10:00h, Room Barbarossa
Treatment of anterior segment complications of Ocular Trauma
Moderator:Gerd Geerling (Würzburg/Germany)
Michael Grant (Baltimore/USA)
52 5min
Severe ablative face injury
Marc Schargus, W. F. Schrader, J. Sold (Würzburg/Germany)
53 7min
Repairing Traumatic Inferior Canalicular Lacerations Using a Monocanalicular Stent System
Shiloh Simmons (Stevens Point/USA)
54 7min
Visual outcomes of blunt ocular ruptures associated with orbital fractures
Michael Grant (Baltimore/USA)
55 5min
Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty in posttraumatic corneal dystrophy
Oganes Oganesyan, D. Danilova, V. Neroev, R. Gundorova (Moscow/Russia)
56 5min
The site of traumatic versus spontaneous wound dehiscence after penetrating keratoplasty
Dusica Pahor, T. Gracner, B. Gracner (Maribor/Slovenia)
57 5min
The Unique Use of Amniotic Membrane to Reconstruct the Ocular Surface and Fornix, as well as Inhibit Scar Formation, in a Patient Suffering Traumatic Facial Injury
Richard F. Multack, M. D. Barsamian, B. Proctor (Downers Grove/Illinois)
58 7min
Limbal stem cells transplantation in chemical and thermal burns
Edward Wylegala, D. Dobrowolski, D. Tarnawska (Katowice/Poland)
59 7min
Long-term results of limbal allograft transplantation in patients with limbal stem cell deficiency after chemical/thermal burns
Ivan Chernetskiy, P. Makarov, R. Gundorova (Moscow/Russia)
60 7min
Surgical repair of selected cases of open globe injuries under topical Anaesthesia
Rupesh Agrawal (Hyderabad/India)
Coffee break 10:00 – 10:30h
8th Session ISOT, 10:30-11:05h; Room Barbarossa
Moderator:Arne Viestenz (Magdeburg/Germany)
David Pelayes (Buenos Aires/Argentina)
61 5min
Anti-VEGF therapy for CNV after closed trauma
Ekaterina Chentsova, N. Leparskaya, V. Tankovskiy, R. Gundorova (Moscow/Russia)
62 7min
Lens Displacement Mechanism in Dynamic Blunt Trauma Events
William E. Sponsel, W. Gray (San Antonio/Texas, USA)
63 7min
Vascular choroideal changes in ocular contusion trauma
David E. Pelayes, L. Racca, J. O. Zarate (Buenos Aires/Argentina)
64 5min
Macular Pucker surgically excised from eyes with traumatic disease. Immunohistochemestry study
David E. Pelayes, L. Recca, J. O. Zarate (Buenos Aires/Argentina)
9th Session ISOT: Sa 11:05-12:35h, Room Barbarossa
„Glimpse of India“,Symposium of the Ocular Trauma Society of India
Moderator:Sundaram Natarajan (Mumbai/ India)
Bhartendu Shukla (Gwalior, India)
Yogesh Shukla (Jaipur/India)
65 2min
Introduction:Sundaram Natarajan (Mumbai/ India)
66 10min
Patterns of Ocular Trauma In different age groups
Bhartendu Shukla (Gwalior, India)
67 10min
Two Step approach of ocular trauma
Sundaram Natarajan (Mumbai, India)
68 10min
Evaluation of eye in pediatric Ocular Trauma
Yogesh Shukla (Jaipur, India)
69 10min
Managment of Open Globe Injuries
Rupesh V. Agrawal (Hyderabad, India)
70 10min
Traumatic Cataract management
Sanjeev Mohan (New Dehli, India)
71 10min
Management of corneal injuries
G. Mukherjee (New Dehli, India)
72 10min
Vitreoretinal techniques in ocular trauma management
Rajpal (New Dehli, India)
73 10min
Open Globe Injuries in preschool children
Mohita Sharma (New Dehli, India)
74 2min
Bhartendu Shukla
Lunch break 12:35 – 13:30h
10th Session ISOT, Sa 13:30-14:30, Room Barbarossa
Pole to Pole surgery
Moderator:Cesare Forlini (Ravenna/Italy)
Xun Yang (Beijing/China)
75 7min
Comparison of silicone oil and C3F8 tamponade in retinal detachment associated with closed globe injuries managed with pars plana vitrectomy
Sundaram Natarajan, N. Hussain, A. Sivaraman, P. Doctor, M. Uparkar, A. Datta, S. Mondel (Mumbai/India)
76 Vi
Temporary keratoprosthesis and vitrectomy in traumatic endophthalmitis
Sundaram Natarajan, A. Datta, A. Sivaraman, N. Labouri, S. Dabir, D. Kar, A. Mukherjee (Mumbai/India)
77 7min
Application of endoscope to treat endophthalmitis complicated with intraocular foreign body
Qiyan Li, X. Yang, X. Pang (Beijing/China)
78 5min
Management of severe ocular rupture with endophthalmitis with a modified vitrectomy technique using a standard phacoemulsification machine and an external light source
S. Fiadoyor2, Adjoa Frimpong-Boateng1,2, F. Mensah-Tetteh2, B. Nölle1, J. Roider1 (1Kiel/Germany, 2Akosombo/Ghana)
79 Vi
“Pole to Pole” surgery in trauma case with min invasive systems and dancer philosophy
Cesare Forlini1, P. Rossini1, A. Aversano1, M. Forlini2 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Modena/Italy)
80 Vi
Pole to pole surgery on an eye with posttraumatic phthisis
Ferenc Kuhn (Birmingham/USA)
Coffee break 14:30 – 15:00h
11th Session ISOT, Sa 15:00-16:30, Room Barbarossa
traumatic cataract + iris reconstruction, traumatic glaucoma
Moderator:Rupesh Agrawal (Hyderabad/India)
Giampaolo Gini (Prato/Italy)
Franz Grehn (Würzburg/Germany)
81 5min
Management of traumatic cataract
Rupesh Agrawal (Hyderabad/India)
82 7min
Management of traumatic dislocated Intraocular Lenses
Tatjana Josifova1, W. Schrader2, U. Schneider1, B. Henrich1 (1Basel/Switzerland, 2Würzburg/Germany)
83 5min
Endocapsular primary IOL implantation in pediatric traumatic cataract after penetrating cornea-lens injuries
Nadiya .F. Bobrova, B.H. Cherif Amor, V.I. Shevchik, D.Z. Enukidz (Odessa/Ukraine)
84 5min
Secondary IOL Implantation: Which Choice?
Cesare Forlini1, M. Forlini1, A. Bratu2, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1
(1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
85 5min
Save the iris
Cesare Forlini1, M. Forlini1, A. Bratu2, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
86 5min
Cosmetic IOL implantation by scleral fixation:
dancing around the traumatized iris!
Cesare Forlini1, M. Forlini1, A. Bratu2, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
87 Vi
The golden standard of secondary IOL implantation in mini invasive era
Cesare Forlini1, M. Forlini1, A. Bratu2, A. Aversano1, P. Rossini1 (1Ravenna/Italy, 2Bucarest/Romania)
88 5min
Aphakic Condition after Trauma and its Refractive Correction by Implantation of Posterior Chamber Iris-claw Intraocular Lenses (PCicIOL)
Narcisa Ianopol (Iasi/Romania)
89 7min
Trauma-induced Ocular Hypotony and Approaches to Chronic Iridodialysis, Cyclodialysis, Angle Recession, and Uveal Prolapse
William E. Sponsel (San Antonio/Texas, USA)
90 7min
The use of drainage devices in post-traumatic refractory glaucoma
Giampaolo Gini (Prato/Italy)
Coffee break 16:30 – 17:00h
12th Session ISOT, Sa 17:00-18:40h, Room Barbarossa
Intraocular foreign bodies
Moderator:Adiel Barak (Tel Aviv/Israel)
Bernd Kirchhof (Köln/Germany)
Robert Morris (Birmingham/USA)
91 5min
Prognostic factors of posterior segment intraocular foreign body
– our experience
Natália Ferreira, B. Pessoa, A. Meireles Angelina (Santo António Portugal)
92 7min
Ocular Trauma with Foreign Body: Epidemiological Retrospective Study in Argentine
Andres Bastien, H. Emiliozzi, M. Zas, D. Pelayes (Buenos Aires/Argentina)
93 7min
Classification and management of intraocular foreign bodies according to their localisation
Elias Feretis, G. Magkouritsas, I. Paisios, A. Anastasakis, A. Mantzounis, A. Kintes, L. Alexopoulos, C. Kourentis (Athens/Greece)
94 7min
Intraocular foreign bodies: functional results and complications
Daniel Branisteanu (Iasi/Romania)
95 7min
Application of injection of viscoelastic onto the posterior pole when extracting intraocular foreign bodies
Xun Yang, S. Wang, Q. Li (Beijing/China)
96 5min
Bilateral perforating injury with two intraocular foreign bodies from a chain saw
Evelin Schneider, T. Klink, W. Göbel, W. F. Schrader (Würzburg/Germany)
97 Vi
Extraction of an intraretinal magnetizable foreign body
Bernhard M. Stoffelns (Mainz/Germany)
98 Vi
Management of the eye with posterior segment IOFB: Pearls and pitfalls
Ferenc Kuhn1,2, R. Morris1 (1Birmingham/USA, 2Pecs/Hungay)
99 7min
Management pearls for eyes with IOFB injury
Ferenc Kuhn1,2, R. Morris1 (1Birmingham/USA, 2Pecs/Hungary)
100 Vi
Invitation to the upcoming meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2010
David Pelayes (Bueno Aires/Argentina)
19:15 Uhr Walk to the St Mary’s Castle or
19:30 Uhr Bus transfer to the St Mary’s Castle
20:00 Uhr Farewelldinner and dancing at St Mary’s Castle (end appr 1 am)
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Bildquelle: www.maritim.de
Joint Meeting
German Retina Society &
International Society of Ocular Trauma,
June 19 - 22, 2008,
Würzburg, Germany
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